CD Release!

Yeah, it’s finally here.  How fantastic it is, after all the dreaming and envisioning (and ufalbumcoverwork…and money) to finally hold the actual product in my hand!  To put it in the stereo and actually like how it turned out!  To turn off the inner critique and just give a little happy dance 🙂

Hope you enjoy it.  It’s available on our website and soon on CDbaby and itunes.  I’ll let you know when the release party is…Life is a bit crazy right now.  It’s only $5!



CD and Party Update!

Yeah, the CDs will be here in October!!  You can already order them from our page.

Jenn in MN

Jenn in MN

So, we’re thinking about throwing a masquerade party for the CD release, stay tuned for more info. heheh, sounds like fun already!  We may even get Didier to come down for it.

Oh, talk about great genes.  Here’s Jenn with my Aunt Carrie on her 100th birthday and Aunt Frances in Jackson MN.  They’re still spunky and act like they’re 25…so that explains a lot, I think.

Finally, I had the opportunity to film a little web commercial for UF.  Check it out (and learn to count) better yet, check out the out-takes!  Mucho thanks to the beautiful Celestine Star from Golden Star Productions.

That’s the scoop for now, more to come sooooon.

