
So, this is a bit weird to write just as our first CD is being released, but we’re about 1/2 done with the next one, Excavation, our first full length album.

This one has been really exciting to work on because we’ve been excavating some very old, deep stuff – a very rich emotional canvas to draw from.  We’ve eeked closer to metal, the guitar and vocals are richer and more soulful, the lyrics are truth-telling.  There are passages that bring tears to my eyes when I hear them.  There are two very rich ballads.  Which is weird for me since I usually fall asleep singing ballads but they’ve got the Flaa-Bouvet touch and they are our intertwined and combined stories…so I guess no one tires of telling their own story.

My brother gave me a wall hanging for my house after my divorce years ago that says “Your story begins at home.” boy does it ever.  This is our raw excavation from the childhood wounds of Dr. Evil, to the aural picture of the dark night(s) of the soul in The Haunting to the heart aching I Want You Here that doesn’t resolve itself back to the root.

I’m hoping track #12 will be Power, ending on a note of hope and fulfilled destiny. The trouble is…I’m kinda still living this one, figuring it out from day to day.  So, like so many tidbits in my notebook, it is images and stories and visions and melody and even an arrangement but I’m still scratching my head with “now what’s this song about?”!!!  How do I put all that into a 3-4 minute story/song poem?

Maybe it’s not one song.  Maybe…we have to finish excavating before we can build a “power”ful core.  …whatever.  We’ll all find out together, I guess.

But it’s darn fun while we’re creating this series and ohhhh lala, wait till you hear the juicy guitar licks Didier has laid down for you – he’s on fire, that one!

Happy dancing…even while excavating the murky depths of my soul. hehehehh, thank goodness the pain turned out to be worth it in the end – an ironic muse.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Check out what I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Oh and I’m really grateful for the happy reception our new CD is getting.  Thanks for listening, liking the songs and supporting us!
